Please feel free to contact us directly if you would like to know more.
In the meantime, here’s a list of our most frequently asked questions.
Contact us with your child’s name and school and we will provide you with the access code.
Sibling photos are preordered and paid for online before the cut off date for your school. If you have missed the cut off, you can still place your order by putting money in an envelope, listing the children’s name and classes then handing it to the photographer on photo day.
Ordering individual images: Please check the activation dates on the personalised slip provided by the school.
Ordering a Sibling photo: Please check the date that by which sibling photos must be placed. If you have missed the cut off, you can still place your order by putting money in an envelope, listing the children’s name and classes then handing it to the photographer on photo day.
For your digital download, we can change it over. Contact us (if possible, include a screenshot of the background you would like) and we can change it over. This can only be done before the order is printed so please contact us as soon as possible.
Our preferred method is online. We accept credit/debit Visa and Mastercard online using the Stripe secure payment system. We can accept cash only with a paper order form that is handed to the photographer on photo day. If you are having issues processing your order online, we can process payments over the phone.
Once you have selected and paid for your photography package, your photos will be delivered to you via the school (if ordered within the set timeframe) or we will post them to you within 14 days (if your order is late).
If your package includes a high-resolution digital download this is emailed to you straight away. You can share it with family and friends while you wait for the full printed package to arrive.
No problem, late ordering is always available. We have the current and the previous year’s images online. For other years, just send us an email to arrange.
Contact us and we will look into it for you.
All orders that are returned to the school have the customer’s name printed on the folder. This helps schools to make sure the photos go home to the right place. Alternatively, you can choose to have the photos posted directly to you for a small fee.