Tips for Helping Us Get the Best Photo of Your Child

Having the most gorgeous image to hang on the wall doesn’t just happen a bit of preparation makes all the difference.

Primary School students smiling

Having the most gorgeous image to hang on the wall doesn’t just happen a bit of preparation makes all the difference.

Tip #1: Plan for the day

Save the date, have a uniform washed and pressed ready to go, we all know kids can get very messy in the blink of an eye and keeping a shirt clean is easier said than done!

Tip #2: Talk about the day

Talk to your children about having their photo taken especially if it is their first time. It can be scary for younger children when they see our lights and green screen set up but if they know what is happening, they can be more relaxed. Practice those smiles, ‘Say cheese’!

Tip #3: Food to avoid on photo day

Oranges and mandarins are great to eat just not on photo day, they can leave orange marks around the mouth. As do chips with orange colouring like Cheetos, avoid them for the day or don’t eat them until after their photo has been taken. For younger children try cutting things like sandwiches into bite size pieces, this saves the vegemite marks.

Tip #4: Hair styles

Simple off the face, smoothed down or controlled with the aid of hairspray or a little gel helps if you have frizzy hair. Using clips also may help to control fly away shorter bits of hair